Rate your current diet with the one that should be in reality. A healthy diet must be present:
- the vegetable proteins;
- proteins of animal origin;
- carbohydrates lenses;
- details, but useful carbohydrates;
- vegetable fats.

According to all of the same proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but we need to understand exactly which products you choose to replenish the body with nutrients, and not calories-dummies.
Us because we always want to eat? Why eat a product that is useless. We take as an example the usual sausage sandwich. Watch what you eat:
- Bread refined white flour with additives and sugar. The bread is high on the glycemic index, sugar has a higher still, and the beneficial substances – 0 (because the flour is emptied). What we call bread, will mark the stomach gluten. He feels a pleasant feeling of satiety, but the digestive system thanks to you will not say, because the body is nothing, but the trash has not received.
- Sausage – is a solid chemical of the E-additives, stabilizers, sugar, and sodium glutamate. Even if in it and eat the flesh, its alleged use and not worth the damage that inflicts on the body chemistry. Pleasant sensations only on the tongue. But for the stomach envelops everything heavy and useless work. With the same success, you could eat a couple of plastic bags.
- Coffee in a small amount of benefit, but only if it is cool drink. If this is the first portion of the caffeine of nine per day, the cardiovascular, the system will run due to wear and tear. And if you drink the coffee again and on empty stomach, gastritis is the future of diagnosis.
In this way, at breakfast, we received a strong jump of sugar, excessive doping coffee for the white heart and the gluten. But this we have not yet had lunch! We try to eat are most useful? Do not worry, it is easier that it looks.
The best proteins are proteins of plant origin. These include:
- legumes;
- the seeds;
- nuts.
When you eat a portion of peas, nourishes the body vegetable protein. When you add useful products, baked sunflower seeds or linseed, which adds to the raw subcutaneous proteins. Finally, any useful delicate, in combination with nuts saturated you a good protein.
If you do not have a shortage of vegetable proteins, proteins of animal origin is not required in the quantities in which we are accepted of him. However, the elimination of this protein is not worth it. Portion of fish, chicken or lean beef, as well as all types of dairy products good to diversify your diet. Especially, as cooked. But we will talk about this a little bit.
Our main enemies and at the same time our friends. Without carbohydrates your body does not receive the energy. Experts say that in a normal nutrition the average person should be 65% carbohydrates, but, if we want to lose weight, this number should be reduced by up to 45%.
Carbohydrates are fast and slow. The first supply of sugar in the blood, and to do it quickly. If you eat fast food, we have to note as a simple desire to eat again. This happens due to spikes in blood sugar.
Lenses provide the sugar slowly, giving a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Here are just a we need you. Slow carbs are foods with a low glycemic index, fiber, and necessarily natural:
- bread flour raw;
- grain is not processed;
- fruit;
- dried fruit;
- vegetables.

You dried fruit, and fruit high on the glycemic index, for example, bananas, watermelons and melons. But given their naturalness, allowed from time to time in small quantities in the early afternoon, as well as in the morning the faster metabolism of the evening. This foundations of dietetics.
As fat is concerned, fear not. Until recently, nutritionists considered that fats are responsible for the excess weight, but are rather the fault of cholesterol, and then, it is only of animal fat (margarine, butter). From vegetable oil, trouble will not be, try to eat a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil is a thing impossible and tasteless, but a teaspoon of the filling in lettuce – is already another question.
Stop being afraid of fatty foods. Strict diets may need to sit on yogurt 0%, but you eat correctly, not only next week, and for the whole life, so choose from different products. Today the ricotta with a fat content of 1%, tomorrow – 15%. The fat will make it easier to digest the other nutrients, proteins. Completely fat-free can not.
As you can see, the list was impressive. Us everything is possible, without limits. From the menu that appears, frankly, harmful products, and remains the most nutritious and tasty. But there is another point that we need to discuss.
The methods of cooking
- cook;
- stew;
- bake in the oven.
The fry is possible, but the use of a large amount of oil has a negative effect on the product. At high temperatures their structure varies, highlighting carcinogenic substances. If the meat to cook in foil or steamed, as the supply of fuel can be used the lemon juice with spices and no oil.
The cooking methods are good only in cases when it is necessary to prepare a protein dish. With regard to the carbohydrate, the better, try not to treat or to do so with the minimum of effort.
- cereals better with the steam of cooking, when possible;
- the vegetables can be consumed raw or slightly cook, if necessary;
- fruit eat only fruit.
During the processing of foods with carbohydrate have damaged the fiber. Are no scientific studies don't need to need to eat a cabbage leaf and try to do the same thing with the cabbage stew. In the second case, there is neither fiber, vitamins.
In the winter with no problems – slightly moist, and the vegetables in the oven, it will fall anyway. In the warmer seasons eat all fresh.
Fish hydrolysate
Already it is quite common for the truth about the fact that the power supply must be in small portions, but often. This is good advice and worth to join. The stomach does not stretch, it is always powered, and the body becomes necessary.
Make 5 – 6 meals a day with intervals of 3 – 3.5 hours, more is not needed. As a full meal will come down and have a snack. The important thing, for him it was.
If for any reason you are not able to make a snack, it is not terrible. But only if it is the exception, not the trend. Breaks are not allowed for breakfast. This is so important to the intake of food, that without him anywhere.
Mode of drinking
Not you start losing weight, if you do not have a lot of drink. Lot – this does not mean filled with water. 2 – 3 litres in total, is sufficient.

The water throws your metabolic processes, you will reorder the good with slag, feeding the fabric. If there is a lack of liquids, all these processes are slow.
The water directly relate to pure, fresh water, natural fruit juices, fruit, vegetables, soft green and herbal tea. Black coffee, strong tea, alcoholic beverages, juice packages to remove more water damage and is not considered for the water.
That is, if you drink 2 litres of water a day + fresh fruit, create the body the right amount of liquid.
Thus, our daily diet should:
- composed of protein, complex carbohydrates, vegetable fat;
- to be correctly steamed or baked;
- segmented for 4 – 6 meals;
- necessarily be accompanied by treatment of drinking water.
The breakfast slimming
With step we understood, but, however, must still speak of a healthy breakfast. Remember that it is very important? And all because:
- it accelerates the metabolism;
- normalize blood sugar, preventing his jump;
- do not eat too much during the night;
- get the biggest portion of the vitamins and minerals.
For the breakfast for you turned out to be really useful, follow these simple rules.
- A glass of water before a meal. Start the process of digestion in the morning difficult. Sure there is family. But the process was easier, just drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. Do not add anything, only drink water at room temperature. This is good for the stomach.
- The fruit before the meal. The fresh fruits not to eat after a heavy meal, for example, after cooked eggs or meat. Fruit need 15 minutes to digest, and meat – about 2 hours. By registering in the stomach after meat, the fruit will begin to ferment. From here, the constipation, and indigestion. Make a habit of eating a fresh fruit before the main meal. For example, an apple or a banana. So you give the body easy to wake up, you have a little bit of vitamins and you will feel a boost of energy.
- Protein + complex carbohydrates. The main meal should consist of proteins and complex carbohydrates. For example, omelet with vegetable salad.
- Drink it 30 minutes after the meal. When you eat a portion of to wait half an hour before drinking a hot drink, be it coffee or tea. It is necessary, in order not to compromise the digestion and do not dilute the gastric juices.
- Breakfast 30 minutes after waking up. Upon awakening, drink directly from the water, and then you can wait for half an hour at the most before a meal. Better not to wait and immediately begin to food. But you never know what goes on from the morning – just no time at all. So remember: 30 minutes is all you can afford, then you will need to eat your breakfast.
Moving from theory to practice. There are excellent, delicious recipes and healthy, you will need.
A tip: don't try immediately with the first day of cooking new dishes. Move slowly, one-by-one dish for the day and the recipes with photos will help you with this. Still, the passage, also on a correct diet, it is difficult for the body and the psyche thing.
Pumpkin seafood soup (light)
- 2 kg of pumpkin;
- 3 head of a young garlic;
- 1 onion;
- half of a fennel;
- 2 branch of celery;
- 1 tomato.
- The fennel, the celery and the onion, cut into medium-sized cubes.
- The garlic is finely chopped.
- Saute the garlic, gradually adding to him the pieces of celery, onion and fennel.
- The pumpkin should be cleaned and cut into medium slices.
- The tomato cut into small cubes.
- Add the pieces of tomato and pumpkin to the wagon.
- Keep the vegetables on a medium heat. Wait until the pumpkin it softens.
- Send all the ingredients in a blender and turns the soup of mashed potatoes.
Baked in foil fish

- fillet of any fish (pieces);
- all of the vegetables (e.g., carrots, cabbage, zucchini);
- onion;
- vegetable oil;
- natural spices.
- Fillet wash, dry. Cut in batches, if necessary.
- Put a sheet of paper, lubricate the vegetable oil.
- Cut the onion into rings and put a couple rings in aluminium.
- From the top of the rings to put a portion of fish.
- Add the pieces of vegetables, such as chosen. They can be separately cook it, but so will have more to worry about.
- Adjust salt and season with spices.
- Bake the fish for 20 – 30 minutes.
- Serve in a distribution of a sheet.